Appointed Advisor Service

  • The Benefits

     Our most cost-effective way of providing expertise

     Support of experienced specialists whenever required; giving you peace of mind

     Credibility with enforcing authorities and your workforce

     Discounted rates when using other JDA Risk Management services

     Costs can be spread through quarterly instalments.

  • The Service

    Membership of the Appointed Advisor Service allows you to name JDA Risk Management as your competent person, thus providing you with the confidence of ensured compliance, along with the comfort and ease of on-going support and advice at a fraction of the cost of an in-house appointment.

    For an annual subscription, you will receive an allotment of time you can deploy across our range of services, allowing you to ‘mix and match’ as your need dictates.

    The service is also an invaluable help when you need advice or support quickly.

  • Key Elements

     Telephone support and advice

     Regular information up-dates and briefings on legal developments

     Licence to name JDA Risk Management as your retained “competent person”

     Periodic ‘check-in’ contacts and visits.