Management Systems Development

  • The Benefits

     Confidence that your policies, standards and procedures are sound and in-line with your business objectives and the law

     The effort of producing the system is taken by us, leaving you free to get on with running your business

     Review and up-date services mean your system will remain current and operational

     Credibility with enforcing authorities, insurers and employees, giving confidence in your strategic management capabilities.

  • The Service

    A sound management system lies at the heart of any attempt to achieve effective control over health and safety standards.

    JDA Risk Management can help you develop your health and safety management systems to comply with the law, reduce your liability and control your operating costs.

    We will develop policies, standards and procedures to fit in with your business and its operational objectives, whilst ensuring that all relevant legal requirements and obligations are met.

    Standard systems, documentation and record-keeping will be provided to take the effort out of compliance, resulting in minimal disruption to the central task of running your business.

  • Key Elements

     Site visit, examination of your needs, and gap analysis

     Development and preparation of appropriate policies, standards, procedures and guidance

     Standard, simple-to-use documentation; fully explained and communicated

     Optional system implementation and embedding support

     Optional review and up-date service.