Audit, Inspection and Review

  • The Benefits

     Unbiased assessment of your current arrangements

     An objective measure of performance on which to base future action plans and expenditure

     Credibility with enforcing authorities, insurers and your workforce that you are keen to monitor your company’s performance

     Confidence that you are meeting the requirements of the law, your customers, or your parent company.

  • The Service

    Audits and reviews can form the basis for improvement plans, provide a measure by which to judge future performance, or simply provide reassurance that all your most significant risks are being adequately controlled.

    This valuable service can be used to make a full and objective evaluation of your current arrangements, and provide appropriate recommendations for improvement.

    JDA Risk Management can help you to develop cost-effective action plans, ensuring you have a clear direction for the future. This is an ideal service for any organisation wishing to develop and operate its own management system.

  • Key Elements

     Site visit with examination of your systems and workplace

     Clear report identifying your current strengths and weaknesses

     Practical, pragmatic recommendations for improvement

     Optional development of improvement programme.